The first step of our project start with the State-of-the-art report, that implemented as literature review done by all partner organizations and resume by the University of Graz.
The main objective of this review is to collect and compile good practices, existing in the field of social inclusion through sport activities for migrant children with a special focus on the following aspects:
methodology and models of social inclusion through sport activities for migrant children,
curriculum for coaches and volunteers, working with children in migration for social inclusion purposes.
This state of the art report provides essential baselines for SmatchS, such as definitions, legal foundations, good practices and the results of initial empirical research among the consortium members on the state of play with regards to inclusion within their organizations. It serves as a starting point for a context- and target-group-sensitive dialogue with children with migration histories and their families as well as other stakeholders in the field of sports and inclusion.
Compiled methodologies and models of work will be discussed and contextualized within local seminars on gap analysis and discussion clubs "Local sport specialists meet child migrants" that will be organized by the partner organizations involved into the implementation of the pilot project activities within WP2 during summer.