This report aims at gathering the needs of migrant children and families, as well as territorial agents from Spain, France, Cyprus, Greece, and Portugal.
To ensure the realization and effective implementation of the project activities there is a need to identify gaps/challenges/problems regarding social inclusion of children in sport. These gaps/challenges/problems may, however, vary depending on the individual situation of the partner organizations involved.
To ensure a common approach to identify the gaps/challenges/problems, Uni Graz develop a guideline to define overall broad areas in which barriers to the inclusion of children may be found. These areas have been divided in two sections, namely short-term goals and long-term goals which realization is equally important to achieve social inclusion of children with a migratory background. For the local gap analysis discussions may be structured around these areas and optional questions are provided in order to concretize answers.
Question have been grouped according to the AAAQ scheme, a methodology which has developed in the field of human rights based on the human rights criteria “Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality” directly deriving from international human rights treaties. Availability refers of the existence and quantity of services offered; accessibility refers to the physical and economic access to e.g. services on a non-discriminatory basis and with sufficient information; acceptability refers to the sensitivity of services provided to cultural and other specificities of the circumstances; and quality refers to the appropriateness of the offers, their sustainability and their quality in the strict sense.